Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Beware The Man In The Hat

Scott decided he had to have this hat.He actually went shopping for it.

Skid noticed it the other day.He didn't trust it.
I hate it.Scott wore it to the last clinic he taught.
His students hated it.
They teased him until he quit wearing it. Don't worry Skid.
Deep down, I think Scott knows we're right.


  1. HA! I wish I had seen said hat. I missed out on a serious teasing opportunity.

    Alas, probably better I be nice to Scott since I was struggling so much at the shedding clinic :)

    Thanks for the fun pics.

  2. hehe!

    I would love to see Skid wear it :)

  3. Scott looks like one of the Blues brothers in that hat!

  4. We think Skid should eat the hat!!! It would not be allowed in KY!!!
