Sunday, November 29, 2009

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Sweet Dreams

Now Thanksgiving is over for another year and the Christmas rush has begun. Just the thought of it makes you exhausted.
You try to fight it
but it's a losing battle.So give inAnd take a nap.You've still got 25 more shopping days.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Giving Thanks

Scott and I are thankful for many things: our families and our friends, both two and four legged and our life out on the beautiful prairies.
Today, I decided to let the animals speak up and say what they are thankful for.

The sheep are thankful for the pumpkins they get to eat at this time of year
And Togo is thankful that they share (whether they want to or not)
Poe is thankful for the mouse he killed last night. Yum Yum!
And Skid is thankful that Scott is a messy cook who drops alot.
And the chickens? The chickens are just thankful that it's not them in the oven!HAPPY THANKSGIVING AMERICA!!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Scott is not happy with the chicken's work.
Production is down.When we go out to collect eggs in the morning from the THREE chickens, this is the only out-put we find, if we are lucky.So we had a staff meeting and I explained to the girls that when food goes in, each and every worker must produce but they weren't really paying attentionuntil I mentioned that Scott was talking about replacements.
That got their attention.Now they are quite concerned and I saw them talking around the water cooler, trying to figure out who was slacking off.and they have decided to take the matter under advisement.

Sunday, November 22, 2009


We have enjoyed the company of our neighbors for several years now.
They enjoy hanging over the fence and watching us train our dogs. Very recently a new couple joined them and I haven't been able to figure them out.Although they appear to be curious about us, they keep their distance.Perhaps they just don't like dogs
or cats
or sheep
or chickens
or...ME?!I guess I have their answer.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Sausage Dog

Skid loves food. That's nothing new. Most dogs do.
I watch his food intake though so he doesn't get fat.
However, Scott can't resist those pleading eyes. He watches Skid intake food too. Over and over again.
While I was in California last month, Skid took advantage of Scott by telling him that Mommy wouldn't mind if he ate extra and Scott believed him.
It's not as bad as it was but now Skid's waistline looks like this.
Does it remind you of anything?
Needless to say, a diet has been implemented.
Dream on, Skid.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Poe Days

There's a reason I haven't been blogging recently.
There's nothing going on.
We are settling in for the winter but there is no snow yet. The customer dogs are getting trained and our own dogs have very little work right now.
So in order to fill up the empty space, I decided to give you an exciting day in the life of Poe.
The morning usually starts with a thrashing of the bathroom rug.How dare it just lay there.Someone has to show it who's boss.

The day continues with a thrashing of the vacuum cleaner.Poking around and sucking up things - where does it get the right?A lesser cat would be afraid of the noise but Poe feels that someone has to show it who's boss.

Finally, after thrashing mice and spider webs in the basement (there will be no loitering around while Poe is on duty - someone has to show them who's boss), he fills his tummy with super food for a super cat.Now you know what Poe goes through in a day. Aren't you glad I updated my blog?

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Two Of A Kind

Most of the time, when two women talk to each other, it's about their kids- what they have done that's worth bragging about, or what trouble they have been in. My friend Sara and I email each other several times a day but it's usually to commiserate about our guardian dog pups.
This is HankHe's the guardian at Sara's Punkin's Patch farm in Kentucky and lives only a few miles from where Togo was born.
He's a couple of months older than Togo and he often makes the same mistakes.
Right now Hank is in the dog house because he just had an incident with Sara's Adventure chickens. Similar to Togo's story, no one was hurt but there is a chicken running around in Kentucky right now with less feathers than she had yesterday.Between the two of us we could probably keep up a daily blog about our pups as they learn the rules and keep growing. However, I don't think it would be interesting to anyone but us so we keep it down to occasional entries on our regular blogs.
Speaking of growing...
Remember Togo 4 months ago?At 8 months old, I can't pick him up anymore.And speaking of boring stories for a guardian dog blog...
Togo is doing a great job of protecting his sheep in the pasture behind the barn but he's still very hesitant to follow them out to the 65 acre field.
I understand.
It's not like Hank's beautiful green fenced fields.
The prairie is a big place for a baby.So I thought about it and decided that perhaps if I put the sheep in the big field, but didn't let them wander all the way to the end maybe Togo would feel better about it. He wouldn't be so far from the safety of the barn.Togo thought that was much more acceptable.It is said that a guardian dog isn't finished training until it is two years old.
It feels so very far away, Togo.