So you haven't met my Bob dog yet have you? Bob, Bob. (sigh) How do I explain him? Well, (whispering) he's a little crazy. Sure he looks normal but he's not.

He was my first Border Collie and at age 9 he's now retired. He had some sholder problems that caused him to limp occasionally when he worked, and a stroke last year that left his face a little lopsided but really it's his mind that is his big disability. He has an absolute and uncontrollable fear of thunder and gunfire. However, unlike most dogs, Bob doesn't hide in the back of his crate or under the bed, wishing the noise would go away. No, he takes matters into his own hands or teeth, to stop the noise himself. If Bob is contained during a storm, he will rip his way out of whatever crate he is in no matter the damage to his teeth, and bark at the offending noise. Out of fear that he will hurt himself or our new dog box (the crates that the dogs travel in on the truck) or teach the other dogs to be afraid, I drop everything at the sound of a loud noise and run to get Bob out of his crate and on a leash where I can talk him down from his proverbial ledge.
See Bob's teeth...

See Bob's damage...

This was done to our camper last week in Michigan. We were camping at a trial and I had him tied out to the side of our camper so he could enjoy the sunshine. In the distance I heard gunfire and left the trial area to go back to the camper and rescue Bob but Scott had just come from there and HE SAID Bob was fine. However, when we later discovered that Bob was not fine, it was my fault. (another sigh) Husbands. Dogs.
We are now staying at a nice house in Michigan while Scott teaches several sheepherding clinics. It's nice to not have to sleep in the camper. However, we are expecting more thunderstorms in the evenings this week. (more sighs) I guess I'll be sleeping in the camper with Bob while Scott enjoys his sleep in the big bed.