We decided to take the camper out on it's maiden voyage up to our friend's farm about 4 hours north of us. It lets us get our trial dogs out on different terrain and visit friends we don't see very often.
We were surprised by a spring storm that blew in yesterday afternoon with winds up to 90km and blowing snow.
Ahhh, that's nothing to Albertans.
Our host still Bar-B-
Q'ed for us.

Only a baby would let a blizzard keep them from enjoying a delicious Alberta bred steak on a Bar-B-Q.
Skid and I weren't born here.

We've been enjoying the weather from
inside the camper.
Well when the temp goes over 90 ..you just show 'em California girl..then they will run for cover!
Skid definitely does not look happy!
That second photo tells you everyhting you want to know about Skid's view of the cold.
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