The little kitten that I saved from being killed by our last guardian dog is not all that little anymore.

He was quite feral but has now decided that the world needs to know how special he is. No matter what he's doing, if he sees you in the barn yard, he leaves to come and tell you what a great cat he is and how lucky you are to get to pet him.

It is time to give him a name.
I have dubbed him P.J. - Pete Jr.
In case you don't remember, Pete Sr. was a very honored cat around our farm.

He had also been born a feral cat but had become the ambassador of good will in our barnyard. He was killed by the last guardian dog a few years ago and is very much missed.
He greeted everyone, kept the mice down and had a great sense of humor.

I have explained to PJ what big shoes he has to fill by receiving that name.
Did he think he was up to it?
He said he'd give it his best shot.
MY MY is it possible to be a He and actually be "pretty". P.J. you are so shiny and well pretty sitting there! and i like your name too.
what a handsome boy PJ is!
Please tell your guardian dog that the livestock need not fear that beautiful boy.
Cats cant eat matter how much they would like to. The chicken's on the other hand just need to learn to run faster.
wags, wiggles & slobbers
What a handsome guy!
love the orange cats. I wish him well, and hope he does not meet the same fate as his successor
P.J. is very handsome in all his orangeness! How do he and Togo get along?
We got Togo as a pup so we could make sure he gets along with the cats. The last guardian dog taught him a little bit to chase them but we've really given him trouble so I'm hoping he doesn't get bored while we are on the road and start hunting the cats. He's much more trainable than the last dog was because we didn't start her.
Must be an orange cat thing. The "specialness" and the announcing of the specialness ;-).
I love fluffy cats. PJ sure knows how to work the camera, huh?
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