We took a working vacation this weekend and visited a friend's ranch for a change of training scenery. While Laddie and I discussed our trialing strategy,

Skid kept a vigilant eye out for dangerous gophers.

We had thought of introducing Skid to our host's 15 pound 4 legged nanny, the demure Zoey. However, we were afraid of Skid's "wrong side of the track" attitude rubbing off on her.

So now we are home for a day but only a day. Tomorrow we head off to the lower 48 for a two month tour. Our house sitters may think they are going to be in charge of the place but really, it will be Kit.

Watch out. She's just saving her energy.
And of course, the inside of the house will be under the protection of of POE THE DESTROYER.

Am I going to miss my home while I'm gone? Here's a shot out my front door this morning.

What do you think?
should be able to change my blog periodically from the road. Check back in a week for early tales (tails?) from our trip.