Warning! The cuteness content of this blog is over the legal limit.We've had some changes in our puppy kennel. Crue has now gone to live with his new family and can be followed over at the
It's a Dog's Lyfe blog, Dave has gotten so big that he is now escaping the x-pen and has to spend the day tied out instead of playing in the x-pen (when we get home we have a big puppy kennel he can play in - and he doesn't really mind being tied out 'cause it's in the shade of the truck and he has made friends with the "big dogs"), and two new pups have joined us. The first one is Nan.

She is definitely the sweetest pup we have but the cutest one looks a little different from the rest. This is Togo.

He looks soft and fuzzy now but he's going to be Kit's back up in protecting the sheep. Don't bother asking what kind he is 'cause he's one of everything you've heard of and haven't heard of. He's only 9 weeks old so for now he'll travel with us until the end of this road trip. He needs to learn how to be friendly with people and border collies, come when he's called and walk on a leash. (That part is not going so well)

When we get home he will only be 3 months old and he'll go out and live with Kit and the sheep. She will teach him how to defend them and his instinct will take over when he bonds with his flock. Once that happens, he will only get positive attention from me when he is with his sheep and negative attention if he tries to come to the house. In the mean time, I'm showing him a little bit about the world so he'll be a confident protector. Today we went to the creek at the farm we are visiting.
While Skid busied him self with his usual obsessive compulsive behavior,

and Bob continued to pretend to be senile so he wouldn't get in trouble for listening to his bark echo in the tunnel,

Togo fearlessly explored the creek bottom for dangerous predators.

All I know is that the Alberta coyotes better live it up while they have the chance 'cause Togo arrives home in 3 more weeks and then things are gonna change!
ultra cute!
OMG!!! Too adorable!!! Togo is just adorable - and Nan is so cute she made my eyes squirt!!! :-D
Does Togo have Sarplaniac in him? He is stunning.
Very cute! Silly Bob.
Good eye Sheepkelpie! That is one of the many breeds. He also has Akbash, Anatolian, Maremma and Pyr. It is a popular cross in KY. They kept calling it a 4 way and then I asked, "What gives them that color? The Anatolian?" and they said, "The Sarplaniac." So I guess he's a 5 way. Skid says that's a fancy way of saying "MUTT"
cute x 2!!!!!
Those are some very sweet looking dogs. And that puppy is adorable.
Our dog, Fuzzy, loves to catch bubbles in the ditch water also.
Thanks for sharing your puppies with us. :)
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