Lad and Hemp and I are going away with my friends Louanne and Lisa (and their dogs) to a trial in Washington State this weekend. No husbands and no Skids. What?!

Yes, I'm afraid this will be one of the few times Skid doesn't get to go on a road trip.
He's not happy and vows to pout on the couch all weekend and not lift a paw to help Scott with the chores.

The only good part? At least he didn't have to get a bath like Lad and Hemp did.
Poor Skid, him and Jane should have a pitty party together, she had to miss out on my trip too :)
Next they will be plotting evil schemes together....
Have a great trip!
We look forward to seeing you here!! It's been too darn long. When do you arrive?
Apparently Skid is not the only one that felt he should be included.
When Lisa stopped by the house this morning, Kara hopped into her back seat and was getting settled for the ride.
I can just see her herding sheep - NOT!!!
BTW - Bet went no where near Lisa's car. She knows a good thing when she's got it!
Good luck and have fun!!!
Have lots of fun and good luck! I look forward to seeing you soon at the Stampede!
Probably too late now to ask where the trial is, but I see Diane plans to be there.
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