I must confess that the lambing work this year is not all being done by me. My four year old dog, Hemp, is taking most of the work on his shoulders.

In addition to his 3 mile runs and his daily training sessions to get ready to trial again in the spring, he also has to help me with the lambs 4 times a day.
It keeps him pretty busy - and pretty dirty in our snow melting into mud.

Hemp doesn't like
all the sheep.
He really hates this grumpy ewe.

She's always stomping her feet at him and threatening to hit him with her head,
and he's not so keen on lambs. They don't behave as they should.

But day and night, without complaint, Hemp does his job and I couldn't get by without him.

Good Boy, Hemp.
Oh my goodness he looks so grown up..already! and just so handsome too. Good job Hemp! I am sure he would enjoy a warm soak in the tub after that days' work! and a snuggle in bed..haha!!!
what a good boy Hemp!!!
Love his amber eyes against all that dark fur...makes them stand out all the more. If I were a sheep, I'd move...
Aw Hemp - you're a rock star!
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