All the dogs around here are busy working and training and don't have any interesting stories to tell right now so lets check in with the cats.
Poe is disappointed that his bid to ruin Christmas didn't come through.
The packages he peed on under the Christmas tree were enclosed in plastic.
Curses! Foiled again!The barn cats are taking the high road,

and keeping an eye on things.

They aren't taking any chances.

What's got them so up in the air?

I have no idea.
in the pic of Alasak she looks like she was just up to some mischief and the "smudge" on her face just adds to the overall expression. Me? up to something? not me.
How cute!
It doesn't look like you have very much snow. Is this typically for you?
We don't usually keep much snow. We live in a Chinook area so about once a week, the warm winds (well, they tell me they are warm but they are nothing like the California warm winds I was used to) come through and melt alot of it. That's why we can take dogs in for training in the winter because we never have too much snow. Two hours north and an hour south tends to get alot more snow and they can't work dogs all winter.
I really do live in the wrong area of this continent!! Some day we'll move, just have to figure out where to.
Oh man, we just had a Chinook Wind blow through and now all our nice snow is ice!
I love your barn cats. Ryker would love to join Alaska in chasing them up a few more poles... pole cats!
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