Friday, April 6, 2012


Today's chores require help.
In lead, we have the professional,...
and in back up, we have the youngster,
Once the dogs have pushed the lambs against a fence, a big strong man is needed to tame the wild beasts.
For this task, we'll use Scott.
Then we put them on a highly scientific weighing device called a bathroom scale.
Suck it in, Lamb!

Since the lamb was deemed old enough to get it's ears pierced,
it's awarded some fashionable jewelry.
An earring!
Only the most hip lambs are wearing them this year.

And finally, Togo cools off,
 'cause he worked so hard.


Joan said...

I need a Scott. Anybody have one for sale? Trade?

Camp said...

OH MY GOSH! Thank goodness Scott is a slim and fit fella. I can't imagine seeing MY weight on that scale even once, add to that sheep after sheep! and Nan looks SO much like her papa. In that picture you can see she has the identical long chest hair and long chaps. love it!

Canines 'N Ewe said...

Your handling equipment is about as state of the art as mine! Love it!

MTWaggin said...

Love the commentary! I realize now I am WAY behind on your blog gotta get caught up.