I lost my best friend yesterday.

I can't explain what Chip meant to me. My life had changed alot in his 10 short years and he was always by my side. As a young pup, he was troubled and needed alot of extra time. As is often the case, the ones that take the most work become your favorite and Chip grew up into a well behaved companion that I took everywhere. Rarely did he miss a day of coming to work with me no matter what I was doing.

We had a good time together and I would dare say there isn't a dog on this earth who had a better life.

It came quick. He was his usual self that morning but after eating dinner everything changed. He was clearly hurting. We rushed him to the emergency vet who did blood work and x-rays and gave him some medication but urged me to not make a decision until the morning. Chip and I spent every minute of that last night together. I was helpless to ease his pain and come morning there was no difficulty making a decision. He was ready to go. Our vet said it must be a tumor in his stomach. I held his face next to mine while the vet took him from his pain and this world. When I felt his last breath on my cheek, I kissed him one last time and left. Skid was waiting in the car with a little furry shoulder to cry on.
Good bye Chippy Chippy. You were a very good dog.