Today I went to my friend Sara's farm in Kentucky for a visit. I've been reading her
Punkin's Patch blog for years and I finally got to meet all the animals. Unfortunately, Brushy the cat was too busy to take time out to greet us.

But I did get to meet Keebler. He is possibly the cutest sheep ever born and he knows it.

Poor Graham can't get by on his looks like Keebler so he has to have an extra sweet personality.

With all of Sara's sheep, you probably figure she needs a border collie and she has one. But Iris doesn't get to follow in the footsteps of the traditional border collie jobs. At Sara's farm, the herding dog does more babysitting lambs than herding and is maybe a little bashful about her roll.

So Iris and her cohort, Miss Tilly the corgi, escorted me and Sara and the lambs around the property.

I got to meet her chickens and the other cats and more sheep - and the black horse with no name was very hospitable.

I was sorry to leave at the end of the day, but I thought to myself: if I had to come back to this world as an animal, I would hope I would end up on Sara's farm.
hello??!!! Corgi? and all you post is one tiny, teeny little photo?
the lamb is very cute- what kind is it?
what do you mean the horse has no name??.....poor baby, someone give him a name!! LOL!!
those are the cutest lambs i've ever seen, they look like cartoon characters! can you steal one for me?
Too funny. You pegged everyone just right. Brushy, Brushy, Brushy.
Regarding the no name, I've come up with several decent choices and none of them stick. We need some help here!
What a neat surprise to see one of my blogging friends on your blog. Thanks for sharing with us.
I also find meeting my blogging friends in real life is just are rewarding as in virtural life.
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