This picture of Skid was taken a couple of days after we picked him up.
After his first bath.

He was only about 8 months old.
Remember his
People always ask why in the world we would keep a little dog.
Don't we have enough dogs?
The reason has to do with
this boy and
this dog.

This was Scott and Teddy.
Teddy was Scott's best friend when he was a kid.
Kinda resembles someone doesn't he?

Teddy was Scott's constant companion when he was growing up.

When Skid came along, I think Scott figured he'd get his Teddy back.
But Skid picked me.

Turned out, I needed a Teddy Bear more than Scott did.
i think this is one of my favorite entries in your blog. dogs are so special in our lives!
Love the pics, and the sentiment. Thank you.
That was beautiful Jenny.
OMG Scott had HAIR
OMG I love this! When I got Ted in 2007, Scott told me that this was the name of his first dog. I had been thinking of changing Ted's name to Tweed or something, but after Scott told me about his dog Teddy, I kept the name and I am so glad I did. Awesome to see that dog and these pictures. And I know Skid came at a time you needed him. He is truly a blessing and a lucky boy. PS Whenever Scott sees my Ted, he goes 'Theodore!' which means 'gift from God' - another great aspect of the name! (sorry to go on, I also love this post and it is so meaningful for me). My Ted says woof!
Oh my gosh. How cute was Teddy!!! Skid has got it going on too, but what a face Teddy!!
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