Do you find that your hair causes you problems when you are guarding your flock in the summer?

Is it too hot? Matted? Full of burrs?
Then try our new, sassy, classy hair cut!

Notice, as Harry Rex kindly shows off his new do on our runway, how easily he trots.

He practically floats as the wind blows past him and his mats are magically gone.

But wait! If you call now, we will throw in this tail pom-pom at no extra charge!

Another happy customer!
Love it! It takes years off your appearance too!
Mack & Murph
I bet that feels much better!
Whoa, bet you lost 15 pounds or so???
Im sure thats alot cooler! We clip our long haired cat in the summer too. Much less brushing. Happy boy!
That's your typical bait & switch. : ) The first photo is Maggie all the rest are of Harry Rex.
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