The Animal's Court is now in session.
The Honorable Judge Jenny is presiding.
Tell me, Miss Henny Penny, what happened to you on the afternoon of October the 20th, 2011?

Can you show us the damage that occurred to your person?
Yes, your Honor. I lost feathers here,

I'd now like to take a look at exhibit A.

Where is the defendant?

Did you attack this chicken?
You can't PROVE anything!

What is that feather doing hanging from your mouth?
I throw myself on the mercy of the court!

Court adjourned!
Of course that case would have to be tried in juvenile court as Alaska is under 1 year. I say give her 6 mos probation with hard labor.
Uh oh. Glad there was not real carnage because the post is hilarious.
btw, just noticed the pic of Ford on the side. He's really maturing into a cool looking dog! Not that I'm biased or anything.
oh my goodness..hilarious! can't believe you capture her with the evidence!! told everyone at handler's meeting this morning..scott, everyone laughing judge jenny!!!
OMG I laughed out loud and woke up little Ben! That is a great post!
Oh my gosh, this is hilarious!
I found your blog via Veronica @City Life... and my husband took lessons from Scott a few years back.
I'd like to ask you a few questions about the LGD/BC dynamic.
Can I email you?
Very funny.
Oh my. The feather sticking out of the corner of his mouth pretty much says it all doesn't it? lol
Great shot.
You have a beautiful blog.
I do like your style. :-)
Too funny! You got caught red feathered, Alaska! Or I should say "Bad Dog"!
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