While Ford was outside playing this morning, it started to snow.

He was a little confused since he'd spent his puppyhood in the south last winter and hadn't seen much of it before (if at all).
Jed, who was baby sitting him at the time, knew exactly what it meant.
Winter is here.

Salem who was just leaving on his morning hunt, figured it could wait and turned right around to go back in the house, calling out to me the whole way.

When he found the door closed behind him, he begged at the window.
IT'S WET! I'M MELTING!Don't worry, Ford, the weatherman said this would only be for a short while today and then it was going to get warm again this week.

I sure hope they're right...
Yea, we got our first dusting on the 19th but it's gone now. Instead we now have warm high winds knocking down trees like crazy!
I know you probably aren't ready for winter, but the snow picture with the barn brings back such good memories for me!! Thanks for sharing.
Great shot of the barn!
Looks chilly!
yeah, I think we'd already had all our snow last year before Ford came here. I love watching dogs see their first snow. Ford is such a cool looking dog, I love those ears!
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