Friday, July 15, 2011

It Seemed Like A Good Idea At The Time

After looking at some pictures taken of me at the Calgary Stampede, I figured it was time to do something about my rapidly spreading thighs (and butt).So, I thought, I could buy a bike and ride it down our gravel roads with the dogs and we could both work on "legging up" at the same time.(please pardon the messy yard - we've been gone for 2 months and it will take a while to get a handle on it)
It was a success.
If you consider the fact that none of us can walk now a success.
My thighs and I will tell you that our roads are not near as flat as they look and the dogs will tell you they aren't as soft either.
Hemp tore more than a few pads.
Caution - graphic photo:It slowed him down to a trot for the first time in his life.
Fortunately, a good friend, Vickie, prophetically gave me a bottle of her new pad toughening formula just this past weekend.We will be putting it to the test this week.
Never fear though, with some booties on their feet, the boys will be back running again in no time. However, when we got home today, they ran ahead of me and showed me that they'd prefer more traditional method of transport.Me too boys. Me too.


Camp said...

ARGHHH...Nick needed that back in Lexington and maybe he wouldn't have ripped the pad further...good to know!

As for your figure...REALLY? Ya gots to be kidding are still a knock out Breck Girl!

Laddie wants you to get a bicycle built for two (just you and him ;-)

Donna Brinkworth said...

Jenny, you look great! But biking is fun with the dogs. I do it around my little town with two (now just Ted as Jet is preggers). I am the one who really needs it more than you - ok, Ted too! But you are a good role model, lol.

Monique said...

Argh, I hate when that happens (the pads. I've given up on my ass).

Speedy recovery to all of you. You need a Flinstones style ATV for your ATV runs with the dogs ;)

Monique said...

Wow, I just re-read my comment. I failed to mention that you look GREAT.

Jenny Glen said...

Aww thank you guyz! I actually didn't mention my figure to have you all tell me I looked fine, I just wanted to explain why a sane person would start bike riding when they had perfectly good ATV.

Doniene said...

You do look great!! Sorry about the pads - ouch the picture made me flinch!! I want to get a bike too! Not sure my guy would like it, but it will be fun.

Handhills Border Collies said...

Oh Jenny ouch!!! Poor Hemp Glad you Got the good stuff!! Here is the website for Tuff N Up
Thanks Vickie

Ryker said...

Ryker has suffer a few blisters biking with me. I try to keep him on the grass or side of the road as much as I can but he seems to prefer the asphalt when he gets tired. We bought a similar product but just have not been consistent in applying it.